Keeping Families Together (Parole in Place)
Mantener a las Familias Unidas
El programa de Parole in Place Manteniendo a las Familias Unidas ya entro en vigor. Aquí le dejamos información sobre elegibilidad para el programa. Si usted cree que es elegible para este programa puede llenar nuestro cuestionario de filtración para nuestras clínicas de preparación de aplicación y otros servicios relacionados a este programa:
The Keeping Families Together Parole in Place program is now effect. Here is some information about the program. If you think you are eligible for this program, you can complete our screening checklist for our upcoming application preparation clinics and other services related to this program:
The Keeping Families Together Parole in Place program is now effect. Here is some information about the program. If you think you are eligible for this program, you can complete our screening checklist for our upcoming application preparation clinics and other services related to this program: